Amazingly affordable!
Best of all... is my very own bedroom!
There's much more updating to be done in the rest of the house, but I really wanted to pay proper tribute to James' and my Divine love affair by starting with our boudoir.
I surprised him with all the accessories, but we painted the room as a family weekend project and got it all done in a day! Go team!
Before: Like, yuck, man.
During: For your next home improvement project, I highly recommend child labor! They have a ball, work for potato chips and soda, and have no idea your totally exploiting them! Now that's what I call a "win/win!"
Ahhhhh... it's just so nice to have an actual grown-up's bedroom and not a storage room with a bed in it.
they just make me tingly all over...
So TRUE!! The picture really doesn't do it justice. Rats.
For a couple hundred dollars and a little effort, I'm so pleased with the way it turned out. No, it'll never make it into Portland Spaces Magazine, but I could afford it and it just feels so much better. I absolutely love the way this room looks at night... especially from the outside.
I once walked up the path that runs in front of our house and peeked in the window to see this inviting nest aglow in soft candle light. I thought to myself, "Wow, that looks like a really lovely place to stay... I would love to spend the night here with my Honey... Hey! I can and will every single night of my life. Sweet!"
Slowly but surely, I'm living my dream. I am so blessed!
Folks, it's like the tag line on this blog says... "There is no place *but* home."
Make yours beautiful and inviting to you.
Up next: Operation Master Bath!!